Refund/Return Policy: Group Travel Odyssey, Inc. warrants to and for the benefit of You only that, for a period of ninety (90) days after commercial sale to You (the “Services Warranty Period”), the Services will operate substantially in accordance with the specifications published by Group Travel Odyssey, Inc. for such Services. If it is determined the Services do not operate substantially in accordance with the specifications published by Group Travel Odyssey, Inc. for such Services, then at Group Travel Odyssey, Inc.’s sole discretion, (a) such Services will be modified or replaced so that it does operate substantially in accordance with such specifications and returned to You freight prepaid, or, at Group Travel Odyssey, Inc.’s election, (b) the amount paid by You to Group Travel Odyssey, Inc. for the Services which fails to so operate in accordance such specifications will be refunded to You and thereupon the license to use such Services shall terminate. Group Travel Odyssey, Inc. shall have no warranty obligations whatsoever with respect to any Services which has been modified in any manner from the form in which it was delivered by Group Travel Odyssey, Inc. 

Force Majeure:  Group Travel Odyssey, Inc. cannot accept liability, and Clients shall be entitled to a full refund or a travel credit from You, where the performance or prompt performance of either parties’ contractual obligations is prevented or affected or an excursion or trip is cancelled as a result of circumstances amounting to “Force Majeure”. “Force Majeure” means any event or circumstances which we could not foresee or avoid. Such events and circumstances may include, acts of God, actual or threatened, war, insurrection, riots, strikes, civil action, decisions by governments or governing authority, technical or maintenance problems with transport, changes of schedules or operational decisions of air carriers, terrorist activity or the threat thereof, industrial action, natural or nuclear activity, epidemic, pandemic, quarantine, medical or customs or immigration regulation, delay, or cancellation, adverse weather conditions, fire, earthquake, volcanic eruption, and all similar events outside our control.  In the case of Force Majeure, You shall work with Your suppliers to promptly refund all money paid or provide a travel credit for services effected by Force Majeure.  

Cancellation Policy: Group Travel Odyssey, Inc. may, in its sole and absolute discretion, at any time and for no reason, suspend or terminate the rights afforded to You hereunder, with 30 days prior notice. However, if You fail to comply with any of the terms or the Agreement, then any rights afforded to You hereunder shall terminate automatically, without any notice or other action by Group Travel Odyssey, Inc. Upon termination, You shall cease all use of the Services and uninstall the Services. You may terminate the Agreement without prejudice to any other remedy You may have, in the event of a material breach of the Agreement which is not remedied within 15 days. You may also terminate the Agreement at any time and for no reason upon thirty (30) days’ notice to Group Travel Odyssey, Inc. Termination shall not relieve Your obligation to pay all amounts which are due and payable or which You have agreed to pay. Upon termination of this Agreement, You shall cease using the Services and promptly delete the service and return all copies of the Services, and all other Confidential Information in Your possession or control. You shall delete all copies of the Services and all other Confidential Information residing in- on or off-line computer memory and destroy all copies of said material. 

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